League Pickleball and The Premier Pickleball Club Tourney Redmond, Oregon
December 9-10th, Redmond, Oregon
Register as a Captain of your own 4-player team(2 women and 2 men), or register as a Solo Player and be placed on a team.There will be two Divisions of 8-12 teams each: Division 16.3(4.0) & 14.3(3.5). Aggregate skill level forDiv1 teamsnot to exceed 16.3 or 14.3. For example, a team whose 4 players are DUPR (if accurate or self-rated 3.0, 3.5, 3.5, and 3.75 will have a team totalratingof 13.75, Pool Play Day 1-Saturday for both Divisions and Determine Seeding/Byes for Day 2-Sunday
The ALP Team Rally Scoring format is very similar to that of Major League Pickleball (MLP) – Pool Play will Goal is minimum 2 Pools per Division and 3 Matches of 4 games per match: Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles #1, and Mixed Doubles #2.Rally scoring to 21, win by 2.GhostBreaker(Ghost Doubles,Mini/Skinny singles) to break any 2-2 ties for 3-2 Winner determined.
Tourney Day Format TBD based on Player Registration/Pools
The ALP Team Rally Scoring format is very similar to that of Major League Pickleball (MLP). With ALP if there’s a tie after 4 games, a GhostBreaker Mini-Singles (skinny singles) tiebreaker is played with rotating 4 players per team.
Saturday, Dec 9-10: 12:30-1pm Check-in. Courts Reservation starts at 1.
Captains meeting 12:45pm. Warmup 1-1:15 AM.
Format Intro/Group PIC 1:15pm and Matches start at 1:30pm
Winning Gift Potentials Amazon Gift Cards, 40oz Flask, and NeoSlick Paddle bag
Registration Fee per Player – $75 for Non-Member The PPC and for The PPC Members $65